The bloggers of government are an impressive bunch.  So much so, that it’s easy to overlook just how skewed a sample of the population they still represent.  I have been thinking a bit recently about who  does – and who doesn’t – blog from government, and have come up with five categories:

  1. People whose job it is There is a vibrant online community among those whose job is to make the government a place of vibrant online communities.  Examples include Jeremy Gould, until his recent tactical (we hope) retreat to Ireland, Neil Williams and Steph Gray.   It is perhaps a mark of continuing uncertainty about the rules of the game that while Steph says where he works on the home page of his blog, both Neil and Jeremy are more circumspect on their blogs, though each links to a LinkedIn profile which is more explicit.  This is, of course, a community which extends well beyond government itself, but the focus of this post is insiders.
  2. People who are public figures Government has always had people who represent it in public – they are called politicians.  It’s not surprising that many politicians are actively online, but for MPs that’s overwhelmingly in their constituency roles.  Ministers as ministers are fairly little in evidence, and even Tom Watson is overwhelmingly online as himself and as an MP, rather than being visible through anything coming from the Cabinet Office, with his Twitter bio being very clear on priorities:  ‘Labour MP aspiring to be a good dad and respected geek. Cabinet Office Minister too.’  David Miliband is almost the opposite, with a Foreign Office powered blog and a constituency site which is as smart as it is impersonal.  Even a department such as DIUS, with a longer list of interactive features than most has its ministers communicating online only through the medium of their speeches.
  3. People who represent their organisations These are people who blog for and from their organisations, but are not in roles which would normally have had a visible profile in old media.  The clearest examples I can think of are the Foreign Office and DFID bloggers, an approach not replicated elsewhere in government, as far as I am aware.  It’s interesting, at the risk of over-interpreting, that the FCO list of bloggers is now dominated by ambassadors, with more junior staff a much less prominent part of the mix than at the beginning.  The new Digital Engagement blog offers the hope of being a strong voice in this category, but after only three posts and not much substance, it’s rather too early to tell.
  4. Front line storytellers Probably the biggest and most disparate category of all, though it’s not a group I can claim to know well.  Most of those I have come across seem to be written under pseudonyms, though for some the veneer has thinned or rubbed off altogether.
  5. Everybody else

Everybody else is the group I am interested in.

Unlike categories 1 to 3, there is a vast number of potential bloggers.  Unlike category 4, there is an almost undetectably small number of blogs.  I came across the Local Government Officer just a few days ago, but while I was expecting the list to be short, I wasn’t expecting it to get stuck quite so quickly when trying to think what might go on it.  Where are the blogs of the policy makers, the operational managers, the chief executives, the tax inspectors, the social researchers, the whole army of people who make up public services?  One obvious reason why there aren’t very many bloggers is that there aren’t very many blog readers.  The blogosphere is so very large that it’s easy to overlook how very small it is.  I don’t think most of the people I work with read blogs, so it’s not surprising that they don’t write them.  That’s partly because I inhabit a working environment which is about as inconducive as it could be to a modern online existence but it’s partly because people have other ways of spending their lives, odd though that might seem to the people likely to be reading this.  It’s hard for me to tell how significant the working environment point is:  I simply have no experience of working anywhere where that is even beginning to be a natural way of doing things internally, still less externally.

That matters because, as Steph Gray said in commenting on my post on Tower 09, ‘there’s a stronger chance of effecting change in public services with the audience in that room than with the inspiring and enthusiastic debate I have with people through social media’.  And even the audience in the Tower 09 room is a small skewed fraction of the range of voices and activity across government and the wider public sector more generally.

I am not advocating a complete free for all here.  I have made clear before that public sector bloggers (and, indeed, employed bloggers generally) must understand and respect the constraints within which they operate.  But those constraints are neither absolute nor static, and there is much which could be done to make government more visible and better understood – to itself, as well as to the people we serve.

In the meantime, who else is out there who belongs in category 5?


  1. Very good points all. I tried to do a similar landscape survey for IdealGov in 2005. But – unsurprisingly – drew even more of a blank. Keep it up yourself!

  2. There are a few ‘web team blogs’ – and spring immediately to mind. I’m surprised we haven’t had more of these, particularly on behalf of the ‘super sites’. The Directgov team is quite happy to produce colourful PDF leaflets for internal consumption, but hasn’t seen the value in extending its reach to the outside world.
    Health minister Lord Darzi has done some blogging at; but the site was recently revamped, and now incorporates a regular ‘video Q&A’ with him instead. (Disclosure: I helped build the first incarnation, but not the second.)
    Perhaps more interesting, there’s a bit of senior official blogging going on at, by DH man David Behan. They’re in ‘ramping up’ mode ahead of a Green Paper next month. (Disclosure: me again.)
    There’s also the slightly curious – which ‘provides Forums, Blogs and Comment by and for NHS staff, partners and the general audience.’ I don’t really understand it yet.
    Plus, there’s plenty of ‘internal’ blogging: Permanent Secretaries on departmental intranets, the CivilBlogs experiment, etc etc. I’ve just built a very ambitious ‘social extranet’ based around blogs and social interaction; and I’m about to talk to someone else about something similar.
    And has been mentioned on Twitter… don’t ignore Twitter. @DowningStreet remains one of the biggest success stories of recent years, in terms of subscriber numbers, if not necessarily in their exploitation. And in front of the Lords committee last week, @tom_watson seemed to be saying he was finding Twitter more valuable than his blog.
    I could also mention ministerial contributions to LabourList… but those stopped in February or thereabouts.

  3. @Paul Public sector blogs is great and has been in my feed list since day one (and I had meant to include a reference in the post, but then forgot to) but it reinforces my point, I think – a quick scan of the OPML file suggests that there is more about than from government (including your own most excellent stuff). I hadn’t spotted your sidebar before (perils of RSS readers), so thanks for the pointer.

  4. “One obvious reason why there aren’t very many bloggers is that there aren’t very many blog readers”
    This does seem to be true. On days when nothing I post gets picked up by one of the ‘big blogs’, I get about 20 people coming over to see if there’s anything new. Of them, a lot are searching for council tax information or housing benefit. Some regularly come by searching for “local government officer blog” on google, which suggests either that I’m being talked about, or that I have regular readers who don’t know how to use bookmarks.
    So yeah. There are people, but it’s not clear what the incentive is, if blogging isn’t core to your job – especially if you’re going to be anonymous and therefore can’t even use it directly on your CV! Who else – Henry Tam is fascinating but blogs reliably once a month and not very directly about his CLG work. I agree with the above post on not overlooking Twitter. But more than that, aren’t the frontline storytellers more interesting and informative than people like me? I’d rather read Nightjack, or Scenes from the Battleground, than my own blog, if I was honest!

  5. Only just spotted this. Thought provoking stuff.
    Also in category 1 alongside myself, Steph and Jeremy:
    (though a consultant)
    But I am with you on this one – the everybody else category is where the real potential for open government lies.
    There’s no shortage of central and local government employees blogging in a personal capacity. I know of quite a few, and if they choose to keep the two worlds distinct I think that’s perfectly valid. (Cf most people’s use of Facebook, for example).
    Blogging policy makers are starting to arrive on the scene, though. The and @digitalbritain guys are amongst those blazing this trail. Blogs coming online soon from the Better Regulation Executive at BERR too. Those are just the ones in my neck of the woods, am sure there are others.

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